Wednesday 12 December 2007

playing with fire

In the Netherlands it is (theoretically) illegal for private persons to burn fireworks except for New Years Eve. However, every year by mid December, there will be children out and about 'practicing' in anticipation of this yearly spectacle.

One such gang of neighborhood teenagers was busy on the playground opposite our house this afternoon. In between playing toddlers they began tearing off branches of the surrounding trees, lighting a bonfire in a trash can, and throwing burning fireworks around. When I asked them to stop, they just laughed in my face. Another two mothers, a father, a granny, and a passing teacher were likewise ignored. As the fire rained around us, I made for the fastest route back inside, suggested to the other young children to do likewise, and decided to call the police, in the hope that they might prevent a fatal accident. The lady on the police helpline thanked me for calling in and promised to send an agent to have a look.

For the next hour, the pyromaniacs happily continued with their game. Eventually they ran out of fireworks, the fire in the trash can burned down, and the boys left. Fifteen minutes later a police agent drove past, looking a bit lost at the deserted playground, and took off again.

Luckily nobody got hurt this time, but I shudder to think what could have happened.

I guess the lesson of this episode is to keep my children indoors for the next months and make sure to impress on them never to go near or play with fire or fireworks, ever, ever, ever!!!

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